
Capsule filler K100 Standard "000"

36,00 €
(Preis inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)

Item number: 7303
Delivery time **: 2 - 4 Werktage

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about the article

With the capsule filler K100 Standard you can easily and quickly fill herbs, natural substances or vitamins into capsules yourself. The pre-sorter helps you to place the capsules in the right position to drop them into the holes of the main plate. This speeds up the work considerably. With a spatula you canspread then the filling material into the lower parts of the capsule and close the capsules. 100 capsules can be processed in one operation and you can fill approx. 450 capsules in one hour. The capsule filler is available in sizes 1, 0, 00 and 000.

More output with separated capsules
If you use our separated capsules (gelatine-QUICK-IN-capsules oder vegetarian-QUICK-IN-capsules), no manual separation of the upper and lower part is necessary, as the capsules are already delivered separately. This can save you a lot of time, so that about 500 capsules can be processed in one hour.

Scope of delivery
1. 4-piece capsule filler
2. Clamping tool for compressing the content
3. Card for filling your herbs and vitamins into capsules
4. DVD film as instructions for use with English subtitles.

The K100 Standard is only suitable for capsules of the specified size. For other capsule sizes a different device is required. The device is not suitable for filling with medication because the required accuracy of the filling quantity cannot be achieved constantly. The device is not dishwasher-safe and may only be cleaned by hand.


  • Kapselfüllgerät, K100 Standard, Größe 000
  • Hersteller: Sinoped (Liaoyang) Co., Ltd., No. 85, Ganqu Road Taizihe District, Liaoyang, Liaoning, China,
  • Verantwortliche Person/Einführer: huber&huber online GmbH, Neuer Weg 22, 27798 Hude, Deutschland,


  • Dieses Kapselfüllgerät ist nicht für die Abfüllung von Medikamenten geeignet, da die erforderliche Füllgenauigkeit nicht konstant erzielt werden kann.
  • Kein Spielzeug: Das Gerät und sein Zubehör sind nicht für Kinder geeignet. Lassen Sie kleine Kinder nicht damit spielen, da sie sich oder andere verletzen oder das Gerät beschädigen könnten. Bewahren Sie das Gerät sowie alle Zubehörteile außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern auf.


  • Capsule filling machine, K100 Standard, size 000
  • Manufacturer: Sinoped (Liaoyang) Co., Ltd., No. 85, Ganqu Road Taizihe District, Liaoyang, Liaoning, China,
  • Responsible person/importer: huber&huber online GmbH, Neuer Weg 22, 27798 Hude, Germany,


  • This capsule filling device is not suitable for filling medications, as the required filling accuracy cannot be consistently achieved.
  • Not a Toy: The device and its accessories are not suitable for children. Do not allow young children to play with it, as there is a risk of injury to themselves, others, or damage to the device. Keep the device and all related components and accessories out of reach of young children.


  • Gélulier, K100 Standard, taille 000
  • Fabricant : Sinoped (Liaoyang) Co., Ltd., No. 85, Ganqu Road Taizihe District, Liaoyang, Liaoning, Chine,
  • Personne responsable/importateur : huber&huber online GmbH, Neuer Weg 22, 27798 Hude, Allemagne,

Avertissements :

  • Cet appareil de remplissage de capsules n'est pas adapté au remplissage de médicaments, car la précision de remplissage requise ne peut pas être atteinte de manière constante.
  • Pas un jouet : L'appareil et ses accessoires ne conviennent pas aux enfants. Ne laissez pas de jeunes enfants jouer avec, car il existe un risque de blessure pour eux-mêmes, pour autrui ou de dommages à l’appareil. Gardez l'appareil et tous ses composants et accessoires hors de portée des jeunes enfants.


  • Máquina llenadora de cápsulas, K100 Standard, tamaño 000
  • Fabricante: Sinoped (Liaoyang) Co., Ltd., No. 85, Ganqu Road Taizihe District, Liaoyang, Liaoning, China,
  • Persona responsable/importador: huber&huber online GmbH, Neuer Weg 22, 27798 Hude, Alemania,


  • Este dispositivo de llenado de cápsulas no es adecuado para llenar medicamentos, ya que la precisión de llenado requerida no se puede lograr de manera constante.
  • No es un juguete: El dispositivo y sus accesorios no son adecuados para niños. No permita que los niños pequeños jueguen con él, ya que existe el riesgo de lesiones a sí mismos, a otros o de dañar el dispositivo. Mantenga el dispositivo y todos sus componentes y accesorios fuera del alcance de los niños pequeños.

Conception & realization of DATABLUE.DE
* All prices incl. VAT plus Shipping cost and possibly shipping fees unless otherwise stated.
** applies to deliveries within Germany, delivery times for other countries please refer to our Shipping information.
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